New IPOs going live TODAY (Fri 14th Aug)

Good morning @David @Martin @PeterA

The following IPOs are diarised for today;

NYSE:BEKE (KE Holdings) - issues adding yesterday
NYSE:NTST (Netstreit) - issues adding yesterday
NASDAQ:DCT (Duck Creek Technologies)
NASDAQ:AGBA (AGBA Acquisition Limited) - common shares now available

Would you mind adding as soon as you can please?

Also, @Arron, if you’re still watching, a couple of SPACs also going live for your list;

NYSE:DMYD.U (dMY Technology Group, Inc. II) - “intend to specifically focus on companies that have created, or enabled the creation of, compelling mobile app experiences with significant growth in segments such as gaming, entertainment, education, work productivity, e-commerce, dating, financial technology, and health and wellness”

NYSE:DGNR.U (Dragoneer Growth Opportunities) - primarily focused on a target in the “software, internet, media, consumer/retail, healthcare IT and financial services/fintech” industries




@David @PeterA @Martin - gentle reminder. Thanks

@Traderbynight , @Kami43 - KE Holdings (BEKE) now added.

Also down to $34 in premarket so looking like the delay helped. :slight_smile:

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All will be available for trading on our platform. :v:


You cannot buy any curevac…such shame…

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Duck Creek Technologies Is not even found

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Restart the app and if that doesn’t help restart your phone.

Thank you ,let’s trade

Restarted both. It’s not working. Shows $0 price. Total garbage

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I’ve askes a friend and he cannot buy either . Iphone 11 is the os

Total garbage?

How much do you know about IPOs?

How much you know about app development?

Irrelevant to your issue. The price shows nil because the IPO hasn’t listed yet.

Have some bloody manners.


Very relevant. You could display a message that the ipo didn’t start yet instead of nil value and nil budget to buy. Why am not allowed to ppqce orders anyway? (I.e put order when it opens)

Or you could do an ounce of research and understand how it works, in the market and on the app, rather than bumping your gums and bemoaning the good work they’re putting in to make sure you can trade on day one.


@PeterA thanks for adding and sorting out the issue with yesterday’s additions. Stellar work as always.


Why don’t you tell me how it works, smarty pants?

:smile: Smarty pants. Love it.

As I mentioned earlier, if you search, you’ll find I and several others have discussed and explained it several times. I’m not going to waste my time re-typing it again here. Do the work.

I missed the start again…there should be an option to automatically buy when it becomes available

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Has anyone looked into Duck Creek Technologies? (DCT)