New IPOs going live TODAY (Fri 24th July)

Good morning @David @Martin @PeterA

The following IPOs are diarised for today;

NASDAQ:INZY (Inozyme Pharma)
NASDAQ:ITOS (iTeos Therapeutics)
NASDAQ:NRIX (Nurix Therapeutics)
NYSE:MEG (Montrose Environmental Group) (missed yesterday)
NASDAQ:EDTK (Skillful Craftsman Education Technology Ltd.) (missed yesterday)

Would you mind adding as soon as you can please?

The following SPACs are also launching but currently not yet as common shares. Tagging @Arron in case they aren’t on his radar;

NYSE:ACND U (Ascendant Digital Acquisition) - “The Company intends to focus on businesses that operate within the “Attention Economy,” which includes various converging sectors, such as interactive entertainment, film/television, music, comics, board games, books, esports, live events and other forms of consumer entertainment, enabling services and technologies.”
The offering is expected to close on July 28, 2020

NASDAQ:GRCY U (Green City Acquisition) - “They will be focused on the Asian middle-market, with emphasis on finding one or more companies between $150 to $250 million of total enterprise value.”

Many thanks


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Hi Joe, thanks for keeping up with the IPOs.

Would you be able to add Revolution Bars to your Monday list?
It stills isn’t on IB so there is no point requesting it now. Its IPO is on Monday on the LSE.

Will do, thanks for notifying me. It’s on my radar but the LSE hasn’t floated an IPO in a while. Will be interesting to see if the calendars I use note it.

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@David @Martin @PeterA - friendly reminder



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@David @Martin @PeterA - another reminder. Thanks

Thinking about this one actually. Rev Bars is already on the LSE… is this an additional offering, rather than an IPO?

Feel like this was talked about a while back but no definitive answer was found.

Searching now…

Edit: here we are;

To be honest, I don’t know. I checked the IPOs a few days ago and saw there was one on Monday and another miner later in the week… :sunny:

The one that I missed was Trident Royalty, which I actually think is very interesting. Its IPO was in June. A pity that it’s not on T212.

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@David @Martin @PeterA - urgent reminder please.

I’m also watching this closely

@David @Martin @PeterA , any word on these please?

Still not showing in the app for me. Some of these are a day over.

Many thanks


@Joey_Fantana :heavy_check_mark: