New to trading 212 stock selection?

hello people of financial knowledge , just wanted to run this past some of you, todays buys were unilever, fres, poly? am i playing correctly ? did go for melrose due to vol but wasnt moving as such. also im watching biontech and pzifer moderna when the nasdaq opens ? might be some risers there due to us and covid vac…???

Well yesterdays good buys were unilever. I wouldn’t have bought today.

Todays £ winners for me would be POG and AMC. Unfortunately sold both ages ago. :man_shrugging:

My US pick to run today is TNXP :crossed_fingers:

yes uni did well yeaterday ,its looking like fresnillo and polymetal seem consistant… buy low and hold on to it, though im struggling with that philosophy !

how on earth did you find pog??? thats really good. pog is a bit volatile but good as long as your pc is running fast ! lol .

POG isn’t that great tbh, I played the last earnings dip and left. I haven’t got any faith in it to stay holding.

Far better mining is GGP (theres a few threads on here), not had the best of luck buying and selling though, including this morning trying to sell at 15.7p :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Still its made me a few grand and hopefully a bit more over the year if I have the patience to stop taking profit out.

A few grand ! lol i just started 2 weeks ago ,im really just looking to make 40 GBP a week from this. trying to learn it but keeping buys to min , for now ! until i get a better feel for this. im using heatmap and various news reports theres lots to learn thats for sure. Sounds like your doing very well. :wink:

Not as well as I want to, but I’ll take being in profit. :moneybag:

I’m trying my hand at swing trading this year and its tough learning curve both financially and mentally, def good idea in keeping amounts small at the start.

So far I have one big cockup in GNUS in stepping back in too soon, made £500 profit, but now £500 down holding $2.4 bag :man_shrugging: Got to :grimacing: as I can see it hitting $1.4 from here, before it being pumped again.

is there not such a thing that scans for the best buys , so you dont need to trawl through all the prices ? a live update on best , but then some would say buy low using high vol stocks… i can see bp and shell been a good bet in coming weeks.

Yeah its called a screener.

those numbers scare me im afraid im a long way to comiting to those buying levels. i couldnt handle that level of anxiety !! ;/

yes screeners , im looking at risers and volume mainly to pick a good case. but due to my fractional buying its returns are in pence. learning etc , i use yahoo and HL

I use TradingView mostly for the charting but it has a screener.

Also pretty good stats and technicals

My other recommend for screener and technicals

Thanks for that phil. ok i will try that one. i had a look at vinfiz i think its called… but no ftse 100 it has all others. looks a bit complex with so many options… seems my market movers have become stationary again.

Another place is Robin track tracking Robinhood.

However watch out and do your DD on them, so you aren’t stepping into a stock as its about to dump.

StockTwits is the other, and again watch for P&D stocks.

The ideas are like YouTube comments, ignore the noise.

yes your rite there. thanks for those pointers.

:partying_face: :champagne:

Only regrets selling XSPA at $2.85 on the 20th