Pie rebalancing bug

Hi, is anyone else seeing this kinda bug? This is the 2nd time this has happened to me now.

The pie is set to rebalance but when it finishes selling off the instruments, it just stops, instead of buying the new instruments to complete the rebalancing. I have to then manually withdraw the cash and invest it again.

@Team212 help please. I don’t believe this should be expected behaviour. if it fails to rebalance then the notification should be according to that. The successful rebalance makes me think i don’t have to revisit the app to perform all this manual stuff above.

Thank you for notifying us, @H2T2. We’re already reviewing the matter and will keep you posted.

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any updates to this?

We deployed a fix this morning. :heavy_check_mark: There shouldn’t be any issues with the notification.

I’ll feedback if i see it happening it again