So, since the recent update it appears that pies are broken.
I have a pie with just one share in it, it is a non dividend paying share and is currently at a loss if I was to sell it. In the left hand panel it shows the loss as a red negative figure.
However in the right hand panel, the one that shows the actual details, it shows it as up with green positive figure.
Something is clearly wrong and it is not just the new layout.
Am I the only one having this or has anyone experienced this too?
Admin, please do not move this to a PM, I am wondering if anyone else has had this bug, thank you.
The stock is on the AIM in the UK, so no currency exchange.
The last time I shared a screen shot, the post was deleted by admin, so I would rather not get in hot water again.
But since I posted, it has now changed, for example… on the left is shows it is down -800 and on the right down -200 again, these are not real figures and only examples. Please do not delete this admin. I have given no details away.
I assume you’re using the web app and viewing your pie’s value chart on the right-hand side.
We recently enhanced how we display your pie’s performance. One of the key improvements is that the performance figures now reflect the total return of your pie for the selected time interval on the chart.
For example, if you have the daily chart selected, you’ll see your return for the last day. This could explain the difference you notice between the return value on the chart and the one quoted on the left-hand side in your investment lists. The number there represents the current unrealized profit or loss of the pie.
You can find more info about the recent update here:
Also, if you believe this doesn’t answer your question feel free to DM me with screenshots and more details.
Now, I don’t know if you are playing along with being the character of Dougal or you have no idea what Father Ted is… but if you know Dougal and you know Father Ted, then you know Craggy Island.
It is where it has changed how long it shows the return, either by day, week, month etc, I don’t know what use this is, but I guess someone will like it.
I have to say, it is now getting annoying how much is being changed on trading212.
But thank you for your response and the clarification of what is causing the confusion.