Please can we add these asarp?

Hi there,

Please can we add these as soon as reasonably possible?


Many thanks in advance


Would love these please @David

Hi guys, just bumping these as would really love to get in some quickly. OPES and GRAF are already leaving the station (or have left, arguably).

Also posting again to add another if possible: SHLL.

Many thanks, really appreciate that you let us reach out to you like this.

Big predictions for SHLL


@David @Martin @PeterA

Tagging you in guys on this consolidated list:


Thanks in advance for your continued efforts on this app.

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Would like these too please. Many thanks

@David @Martin @PeterA

Bumping this if I may, especially SHLL…

Tagging you in guys on this consolidated list:


Thanks in advance for your continued efforts on this app.

End of day bump. Please can we have these soon @David @Martin @PeterA @Team212

Please can this request be acknowledged? I’m not sure if it’s worth my time bumping this each day. Or advise us of any alternative way to raise these. I get it will take time to wade through all requests but I’ve not had one of mine acknowledged in over a week. Would a webform or something similar be an alternative way where the ticker needs to be provided by the requester and that field can therefore be used to prevent duplicate requests? Thanks. @David @Martin @PeterA @Team212

Hi @Arron,

You do realise there is queue for adding stock and fractional?
Just by bumping stock each day will/should not help you get first in line. Just scroll through the list of requests; there are some dating March, but people still waiting patiently not bumping 5 times a day.

Thanks @Vedran

I’m bumping once a day, as advised by David himself on a few other threads. And without an acknowledgement I’m not to know if they’ve seen it and queuing it or even what their process is.

And if we’re to wait months, it suggests they’re becoming victims of their own success as they’re doing all they can to spread themselves between new features and ‘BAU maintenance’ like adding new stocks.

Some of the above have been listed a long time and are not pre-IPO and a lot of potential gains not realised as a result. That’s why I’m suggesting an alternative process is explored - not precious over what, but something where duplicates can be avoided, and required info provided, and maybe some sort of acknowledgement or status so we can see where it is in the process and not resort to bumping and self-policing each other!!

To be clear, I love this app and I’m aware that it is extremely competitive fee and commission wise.


Where did David advise to repeatedly tag team to add non-IPO stocks?

Another request for SHLL here from me. Thanks team.

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Believe me, all people here waiting weeks for their stock requests also expect to profit on them :wink:

Speculative stocks should not be prioritised just because speculation.

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@Vedran It’s a consolidated list but in bumps I’ve made clear the priorities were the ones already post-IPO like SHLL, GRAF and OPES.

@laguiar you’re missing the point; whether speculative, pre-IPO, post-IPO, merger or LOI-announcing SPAC, or an established mature stock, time is money for all and I’ve been bumping (for my personal choices here, but I’ve also raised requests for established stocks like Ciena and Reliance too) in the absence of any other process made clear to me. I’m not suggesting these should be prioritised, it’s just the lack of visibility over where we are so I need not continually add to the problem!

Look, I’m not wanting to add argument or unnecessary traffic to the board. If the process is this, then my choice is to accept it and wait in line or move elsewhere. But I can’t see this as a sustainable process. I don’t expect instant turnarounds but I also acknowledge that the bumping (that I myself have been doing) and/or duplicate requests that I see are not helping either.


That’s really bizarre to wait for them to add the stocks and then the earning is gone. I am thinking of switching to some other broker rather than crying here and no one here is to listen or to tell that your request has been received.

There should be a list and people can add or like the stocks they want more, and they can just simply add them… a lot can be improved with a very little effort but if someone is willing to make a change. BYE

Can you suggest another broker where they add whatever stock you ask for in just few hours?

I think everyone here will love to know.

I am glad to see people expecting this to be the new industry standard. Apparently we raised the bar across the board :slight_smile:


For instance WeBull. I don’t have to ask them to add any stock because it almost never happen that they don’t (already) have any stock I am looking, for USA market.

I am very happy with your new features, Your app is super awesome, really I’m loving it :slight_smile: but I have few problems for example executing an order takes now a considerable amount of time. I don’t know if 2k - 5k buy sell is that large amount. I know it depends on the market as well if there are any buyers but it takes time to put the order in the market.

Best of luck and thanks for such a beautiful product.

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