Portfolio News Alerts & Upcoming Dividend Alerts

I think a great idea would be a news section within the app. I know you can get the latest news on stocks, ETFs, etc else where but it would be handy to have in the one place (under the Trading 212 app).

Also when a recent event has taken place involving a stock you hold in your portfolio you should get an alert or notification updating you.

A dividend alert section for your portfolio holdings would be ideal also. It would be good to go into a particular investment and quickly know when the next dividend is due and the ex date etc.

What do you think? and what would be the chances of this becoming a feature on the platform?

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Just wondering the likely hood of the features mentioned coming through into a reality on the platform?

Would be nice if you could see next earningsdate + next divident pay-date within T212 app. Currently use CNBC app to see dividend and earningsdate for what ever stock