Dividend income information

Hello, would it be possible to request a feature that I’ve seen on other apps like Robin Hood. I see they have an dividend section which lets you know how much a year you’re earn from dividends. Thought it might be useful.


I was just thinking i wouldn’t it be great to have a custom dividend info table accessible in the T212 app.

My idea would be:

  • Access from the menu, maybe next to economic calendar
  • Dividends calendar (default includes all companies, dates, maybe the last few dividends)
  • option to add your stocks to a custom table and pick and choose fields you want to see in your view.
  • include your holding amount with projected and actual upcoming dividends
  • allow a data export in CSV and other popular formats

A one stop shop for dividends info.


Hey, @DCNSTNTN7 :wave:

We recently released a dividends calendar. You can find it in the instrument details, and the calendar allows you to see information about upcoming dividends and other events. We’ll keep working on improving the calendar and making it more customisable. Regarding CSV exports, you can already do that for your account and dividends specifically. To do that, you can follow the steps on this page.

I’ll forward the rest of your suggestions to the team. Thank you for sharing :pray:

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The calendar is only useful if you are looking specifically at one instrument.

Wouldn’t it be much more useful if all the dividend information was a filter on the economic calendar so you can see all upcoming dividend information for all your instruments?


This would be amazing, to have divided calendar for all own stocks in one place. Great idea.


This is a great feature, the only downside, is having to go into each instrument. If there was a calendar grid with details of all owned stocks, would greatly enhance visibility of pending divs


eToro has a “My Portfolio” calendar. Which shows your stock exdiv and payment dates. Very handy!