Portfolio Statement On Demand

I like the idea of having a local, personal record of my investment portfolio. It’s good for making graphs (if you’re so inclined) and would be helpful to have in the unlikely event that Trading 212 went bust and ownership had to be transferred between brokers.

However, I find the act of recording investments so tedious. Therefore, if there was an option in Trading 212 to export, at any point, a clear breakdown of our portfolio investments in a simple PDF and/or CSV document, I think that would be great. This could be generated and emailed to us instantly or even available to be shared instantly to a file management app on smartphones.

So, a breakdown of what transactions have been made per Stock (ie. you bought 0.25 shares on the 25/03/2018 for X, 15 shares on the 16/05/2019 for X etc) and how many shares you have overall would enable us to have the peace of mind of an up to date, local, personal record/back-up of our investments available any time and make time consuming tracking redundant.