Has anyone else noticed that the pre-market and extended hours indicators seem to have disappeared and you now can’t tell how much the stock has increased/decreased during these periods easily?
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Yes and it sucks. Example is Nvidia went up about 9% today but if I look at it now In the app it says 0.3% down. Really bad. Is there anywhere I can now see the 9% I wonder.
It seems an insane thing to do and is causing me real problems. Very surprised more people aren’t up in arms about this change
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If you have any doubt about T212 user community and the issues they have escalated re. the new app, spare the upcoming weekend to read through the topic below
It is a take it or take it app ! (unless you want to exercise your right of leave it.)
T212 has come a significant distance from what it was to where the app is now. But if the users are still missing the Legacy app, T212 has clearly stopped listening to the feedback!