I understand your concern, I always found it strange for folks to question less known or free service entities. But accept every day general services without much investigation…
One could ask same question for banks, if you store XYZ $ what if their data center gets wiped. Your data gets lost, how do you prove anything? Obviously not.
Without knowing the stock share business, each business has certain compliance to meet. I presume that any business that wants to be sustainable and successful would adhere to thouse standards.
So in this specific query we have 2 3rd parties involved.
Bank which has segregated account where the free funds are protected. Which is Barclays bank.
Second entity is Interactive Broker’s which is custodian to your equity.
Thanks for clarifying the bank account matter. That part is already well documented on the website.
I was missing the Interactive Broker part and this is not clearly explained on the main website.
I think that the proof of stock ownership is still not clear.
This might not be a trading212 specific issue but an Interactive Broker, but I think it is worth having this info here…
For example, if I purchase a product from Amazon using my card, I get a statement from my bank that the transfer was made and an invoice from Amazon to confirm that I made the purchase.
This is some sort of proof that I made the purchase and a confirmation from the seller.
It is still no clear how I get this proof of stock ownership from trading121 or InteractiveBroker
For example, I purchase 10.000 Apple stocks from entity “Y”.
I guess that the purchase bank transaction with the actual money amount is recorded by Barclays.
But where is the proof from entity Y that they sold me 10.000 shares?
This is an interesting question. I guess that each stock sold should have a specific code / number to identify it (as prove that it’s unique) and that there should be a database to check if that stock really belong to you (indipendently by the broker you used to purchase it)…but this is only my common sense and probably this is not the way things really work in the real world
Every time you buy shares you get an receipt sent to your e-mail confirming who you bought shares from, how many and how much it cost. Also any fees. That is your proof
T212 (like many others) use an omnibus account to hold shares. T212 has an internal registry of who owns what. Even though all shares are pooled in the same account.
This is a standard practice so I would not be extremely worried about this.
Maybe this too it will help you: ”You can request a certificate of your shares, at any time you like by dropping an email on info@trading212.com and we’ll gladly provide you with a confirmation of holding your investments.”
I am thinking about opening an account on Trading 212. I need the opinion of people who already use the service (Trading 212 Invest).
I have done my research however the only thing I cannot be sure about is the functionality of the app. I have read online that the app crushes really often. Is that true?
Ok maybe I am wrong on this part, however may I ask if you have the right to vote when the Annual Meeting of the companies that you “own” take place? This is the real proof that you own the shares that you buy.