PSTH Merger Announced. Will 212 be able to provide support for the entire deal?

Yes please.
Any :uk: brokers doing this?

No expectations from T212 on doing anything complicated wrt corporate actions/warrants/options.
Social Pies are v important.

Still no response from HL. Have chasedā€¦

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Page 7 of this slide deck is very useful:

Hereā€™s the final announcement press release:

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More news today from BA and PSTH today. Any update with regards to how T212 will deal with the strange 3 way split of shares?

@David @Rumen @Y.M @Bogi.H @Hris.M @Tony.V @Tony.

Any updates?

Hey guys :wave:,

There arenā€™t any official updates about the event, yet. Nevertheless, as soon as there is any news, youā€™ll be the first one to know.

In a nutshell: updates will follow once the event is officially confirmed by the respective company & after our intermediary IBKR inform us how it will be reflected.


Thanks for the response. I think everyone here appreciates being kept in the loop and for T212 to build capability to support some complex transactions.

@Bogi.H First off, thanks a lot for your transparency here! Very much appreciated :raised_hands:

May I read this your reply from a related topic that thereā€™s not only the question as to how IBKR will handle it, but also if you can actually process whatever solution IBKR is offering?
Race against time. Odds are higher that Bill will indeed find a unicorn. :unicorn: :sneezing_face:


Good point @too_short, I can see where the confusion comes from.

Allow me to reiterate: We donā€™t offer share conversion on our platform. However, weā€™re actively working in that direction.

On a side note, the outcome of such corporate events depends on several factors, some of which are out of our scope. Hence we canā€™t be as precise with our reply as we want to be.

Iā€™ll keep you posted as things progress further. Feel free to ping me or anyone else from the @Team212, if any further questions arise.


Looks like we may be okā€¦ praying for a new simple mergerā€¦

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What a rollercoaster!

I just posted a PSTH update letter on our website. I welcome your feedback.

ā€” Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) August 20, 2021

Interesting update on PSTH!
I havenā€™t seen it here yet so thought Iā€™d share it so we can discuss.

In case anyone is interested, the Pershing Square SPARC Holdings Ltd company issued an SEC filing on te 29th of September providing an update on this and a Prospectus:


And within the document:

So, as I understand it it seems that the SEC has accepted the creation of a ā€œSPARCā€ and every PSTH shareholder at the date of the dissolution of PSTH will receive 1 SPARC share for every 4 shares held on the final date.
Has anyone received these yet either here or on any other platform?

I havenā€™t seen them yet, so I thought Iā€™d ask.

Sources - SEC filings:


Maybe itā€™s explained a bit better in the press release:


This SPARC business is mighty confusing, Iā€™ve not been able to truly get my head around it.

Iā€™m sure I have some exposure to it via PSH so Iā€™m investing with some degree of blind faith there.

Thankfully, itā€™s worked out well so far. :relieved:

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