Real Estate stocks 10 years performance

Hello folks,

I did a very simple analysis on just a few of Real State stocks, from the US and some from Europe as well.

Data from Yahoo Finance from 01/01/2010 close to 01/05/2020.
Ordered by 10 years performance and showing the current dividend yield.
(the % performance did not consider the dividend yield over time)

Remembering that past performance does not project the future ones, but historical data can be very helpful :wink:



Realty Income is a personal favourite, very dedicated to dividend growth

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what, no British Land Company - BLND? xD

I will update soon with BLND :wink:

You did an โ€œexcel-lentโ€ job there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :+1:

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Most of those US REITs are either on watchlist or in porfolio.

Waiting NNN to be added to t212.

Done :white_check_mark:

Thanks for the suggestion.

BLND had a yield of about 6% it seems before its suspension. will be interesting to see how its price trades and how well it holds up post pandemic to compare against O.

To be honest, BLND doesnโ€™t look a good investment at all :man_shrugging:

currently that is true.

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STAG is definitely on the watchlist!

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I will probably replace WELL for STAG :wink:

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need a good UK REIT with a current yield over 4.5% (thatโ€™s going to continue paying dividends) and good prospects for my ISA xD too much US weight in my portfolio and UK REITs see the best tax advantage.

This is what realty uploaded at earnings, showing how much they outperform indices on total return. Was a encouraging presentation they sent out

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I guess that as they provide consistently high dividends at around 4-5%, it makes a big difference whether you include them or not, hence the large discrepancy between the 2 tables. Also the table from Realty Income Corp also includes a few more years (starts at 2006).

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Very nice material indeed.

Its an issue that I have also had when looking at past trendsโ€ฆ
Do any of you know a good website searching historic dividends, particularly for European stocks?