Santander Share rights issue

Hi there
Another request to see if anyone can tell me (and others) when the shares from the 1:23 Santander split will be in our accounts??? I believe these should have been with us by close of play on Friday?

Just a date when they’ll be in our accounts would be appreciated.


Hi - on the communication T212 they mention anytime this week

I’ve not seen that. Where is that?


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Thank you for sharing the article.

I had not seen the it. Was there an email sent about it?

Hi there
Can you tell me when the additional shares from the 23:1 Santander split will be allocated please? I believe it was supposed to be today.

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Any news on this? Shares still not allocated to my account. Any one else not received them?

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Monday, wait till then and you should recive it

I have not revived anything either yet

Yeh me neither. These were supposed to be with shareholders by 11 December I think. What is going on?

One week after the oficial date - I have not Recived anything yet - very disappointing!!

It’s the lack of information I find most frustrating/annoying. No updates, nothing.

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@Martin - can you help on this topic? There is a lack of information in these matter. We have been ask any time after last week, but we are still awaiting

Thanks a lot

It’s not good enough. I’ve not received my Persimmon dividend either. That was due days ago! I’ve got friends who use other providers and they’ve been paid already. What is going on?

They’ve been added!!! Finally.

Thank you.