Show percentage in alert

Can we please also have the % change along the share price change when setting an alert?

It would be rly helpful and I think it’s not a costly change! Thanks!



Decent suggestion :ok_hand: We’re actually planning to add % information in the price alert tab, but I can’t share a timeframe of when it will be added.


Would this include App and desktop webpage? As some of us trade in the office, not encouraging anyone to adopt this behaviour at work :wink:

We’ll make sure to have it on all apps.

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It’s now possible to see the % change when setting a price alert on the mobile app :heavy_check_mark:

I’ll let you know once we add it to the web app.


Are they more usage traffic on phone app or web app? @Bogi.H

The implementation isn’t determined by the user base but rather by the technical specifics.