Currently pnl for any shares invested into are shown as one figure for the entire amount purchased, as below:
i.e. 100 Apple shares bought - day 1
100 Apple shares bought - day 2
100 Apple shares bought - day 3
profit = $120/ 2.5%
Can we have the option to expand our position view to see the pnl for each lot of shares bought?. i.e.
Lot1: 100 Apple shares bought on day 1: profit = -$40/ -1%
Lot2 100 Apple shares bought on day 2: profit = $80/ 1.75%
Lot3: 100 Apple shares bought on day 3: profit = $80/ 1.75%
Total profit = $120/ 2.5%
We can still see our overall profit for our entire position but we also have the option to view each individual lot. Allowing for easier trading.