Silly question on the trading 212 card

At the moment I only hold GBP, as I am only using it in the UK. NOW ON GOOGLE PAY. whooo hoooo. lol.

I am about to go abroad so will convert some money to Euros, so the account will hold GBP and Euros.

When I go to pay for something whilst away, will the account know to use the Euros over the GBP or what happens?

Thank you kindly admin people.

Hey, @mev202 :wave:

The system will always first check the currency in which your transaction is. If the balance is enough, the transaction will be executed in the same currency.

If your balance is not enough, the system will then check your account’s base currency and use it for the transaction by converting to the currency of the payment. If your base currency also can’t cover the transaction and you have cash in other currencies, the system will use the next currency with the most free funds.


That is good to know.

Thank you Mr Trading212.

I assume everyone who works at Trading212 has the last name of Trading212. lol.

Is there any benefit or concerting GBP to EUR prior to going abroad or is it just the same to keep it as GBP and let the conversion happen on the transaction?

Hopefully admin answer you but the obvious thing would be that it fixes the interest rates so I would look at the GBP/EUR chart and if the rate is particularly good I would convert ahead of time to lock in that exchange rate. Obviously it doesn’t mean it can’t continue to get better. I think the interest rates are different for different currencies so its also worth looking at whether that makes a significant difference.

Before anybody says I’m being a bit ridiculous. I recently changed GBP to JPY in anticipation of a trip to Japan and got 201JPY/GBP and rate now is 190 ish so a change of 5%

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