Stop Loss Changed

Here you are @Ashige :wink:

as for gaps, they are differences in pricing that occur while the market is closed, such as on weekends. when there is a jump in a shares pricing, it is referred to as having gapped. you will see this in the candlestick charts where something trades level for a period of time only to suddenly go up or down a level at the next market open. Pending orders normally require for a certain price to be reached in order to take profits/stop losses, these are supposed to trigger at the level you set, however when the market gaps past your triggers, the order will end up triggering at that much higher/lower level of the market rather than what you specified.

when you place Stop/Stop Loss Orders at $50 and the market gaps to $65, your order will trigger as the required price has been exceeded, but will be at the $65-level and not the $50-level you set incurring much greater losses than you were expecting.

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