T212 Card - Card Pool / Balance

Dear T212,

The new card feature is awsome.
I would like to see more flexibility on what resources are available for spending.

Ie. If I have 100k cash in T212 Invest, I dont necessarily want to have all of them exposed to card, maybe I just want to have 1k/2k accessible.

Something like a prepaid card, but with ability to topup/withdraw instantly from/to standard T212 cash/invest account.

Franky, when building stabile egg nest on T212, last thing I want is whole cash position exposed to card access…

Anyway, please consider.




Thanks for sharing your feedback, @Vedran :raised_hands:

I agree that being able to separate your funds will be useful, and fund segregation into different pots is something that the team is already working on. There’s no ETA to share at the moment, but I’ll let you know once we have any further updates.

For the time being, we only offer single-use (disposable) cards that can be used to make purchases. While what you suggested isn’t in the works at the moment, I’ll forward it to the team so it is considered for future updates.


Hi @Vedran,

In the meantime, you might find it useful to customise your spending limits on a daily, monthly, and per-transaction basis. This is another way to manage your card’s access to your account balance.