Tesla Problems - 14/05/20 - 15:30


On 14/05/20 last I set a Take Profit on my account for Tesla shares that I bought the previous evening & that morning. Three transactions in total. This was after losing 6.2K via Tesla on the 13th!

The Take Profit figure I set for these three transactions was 765.50. One of the three transactions triggered the Take Profit but the other two didn’t.

I’ve been up the walls over the last week in great emotional pain with little sleep. I don’t understand what happened. I’ve tried calling you guys on a number of occassions but with no joy. I also couldn’t access Live Chat. Please help!

Kind Regards,

@Roturua07 One of the orders was set at $760.00 & was later modified but not at $765.50 but rather $765.00. Only one of the orders had a take profit at $765.5 and it was executed.

Your kidding me… So how far was I away from getting my orders executed? 0.10/0.15?

@Roturua07 Yes, it looks like you were just a few cents away from getting your take profit executed.
