Tesla to $10T then $100T then?

The upper end of the valuation of the whole world’s assets - financials, properties and derivatives - is at the utmost 1.2Q.
The range is actually 600T - 1200T.

But for sure, it seems realistic for Tesla to go to 1Q :person_shrugging:
Or even 100T for the matter. A 1/6 of the whole world’s assets.

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Could go to $100T with FSD alone. Nutty upside

What minerals do you want to mine on Mars that are so valuable that it becomes economical to send rockets for months instead of mining on Earth

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Just getting a wee bit excited tbh. But a more genuine point being that as scale and technology advances then the economical and environmental case for things looks drastically different to what we see today.

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I hope FSD makes it but there are still many hurdles for Tesla ahead and it’s not going to be quick but please clarify the 60,000 figure - is this actually correct?

It’s interesting but I seem to be reading that to get access onto the FSD beta programme you need to get a 98-99 pass mark on the Tesla safety score? lol back to school.
Are there really 60,000 beta testers out there on 9th Feb 2022 :roll_eyes:

+It’s sheer genius that Tesla thought that you can be a FSD beta tester just give us $10,000 and tell us about your experiences so we can iron out the bugs, lol where else but the US would that be thought of & accepted!

I like the FSD tech bit -

The next big milestone for beta FSD is version 11. It is a significant upgrade and fundamental changes to several parts of the FSD stack including totally new way to train the perception NN.

- Object permanence both temporal and spatial
- Moving from “bag of points” to objects in NN
- Creating a 3D vector representation of the environment all in NN
- Planner optimization using NN / Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
- Change from processed images to “photon count” / raw image
- Change from single image perception to surround video
- Merging of city, highway and parking lot stacks a.k.a. Single Stack

I hope v11 keeps Tesla users safe !


Yes, was mentioned on last earnings call. A bit shock to all of us. And yes, the future updates look promising.

Exactly right. I expect this will be 100,000 soon. v11 will change everything.

Yeah the new v11 architecture changes almost everything. I’ve put down all my thoughts about this here…

Hindsight is a bit ch. But hope you got out in time dear Tesla bulls and did not get burned

It’s not just Tesla who are getting burned. Don’t see the need to target it. Times like these should be viewed as opportunities and not problems.


Indeed I am looking to buy Tesla stocks because I like the company, gonna buy at 200$

I hope you mean after the split :joy: $200 pre-split would be the opportunity of a lifetime