The 212 Cash ISA is coming in May

Will you allow Transfers in from another provider?

Yes, we’ll support transfers.


Is it Flexible ISA?

It will be best if T212 S&S ISA count be made Flexible also?


Both ISAs will be flexible :fist_right: :fist_left:


This is great news! Looking forward to May :slight_smile:

What is the launch date?

Anything we need to do to move existing into Flexible S&S ISA?

Still says it’s not flexible

“With Trading 212, your ISA is ‘non-flexible’. What this means is any replaced withdrawals will count as a subscription for the tax year in which it is subscribed.”

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At this point, we can’t confirm an official launch date in May. Once it’s launched, you don’t need to do anything.

Also, we just applied changes to the Learn page article. Thanks for the heads-up!


Learn page article
under “ISA withdrawals” it says “With Trading 212, your ISA is ‘non-flexible’”

Will Trading212 will really be offering Flexible Cash ISA and Flexible S&S ISA?

Created an account here just to say that this is super exciting news!

If there is an early beta for this do sign me up!!

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@fm0, we’ll change it here as well - thanks :pray:

@zra, welcome :tada: I’ll let you know if there are beta tests.

just to clarify, these are future plans? it isn’t flexible currently or in this tax year yet, correct?

The S&S ISA is not yet flexible. I’ll keep you posted.


got it. lot’s of exciting posts here, so just thought i’d check. i’m currently invested in other flexible cash ISAs for a simple reason - flexibility that i need. this would be the trigger to move my money to you guys once and if you make it flexible :slight_smile:

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This is looking like it will be one of the best cash ISA’s. :+1:

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Is this only applicable to UK users?

Cool, lots of new stuff coming :grinning: Thanks for all your hard work guys, it’s appreciated :sunglasses::+1:


Yes, it is - Individual Savings Accounts are specific to the United Kingdom.


A post was merged into an existing topic: :credit_card: Introducing the 212 Card

Hi, is there any more news on when this is going to launch? Thank you

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Great, can’t wait :raised_hands: I’m with Nationwide and the best interest rate they have on a Cash ISA is 3.25%. T212 seems way better, unless I’m missing something :+1:

I’m wondering when is T212 offering mortgages and credit cards as this point? :joy: T212 is the best :sunglasses: