As news emerged this morning about a solid timing for the demerger I was hoping trading 212 would be able to see that TILS holders will get their shares issued in accustem sciences limited.
Hopefully we will get some clarity from T212 quickly.
Any news on trading 212 issuing TILS holders with accustem shares after the demerger? The date is drawing near.
Adding another voice to this thread to ask whether T212 will issue accustem shares to TILS holders after the demerger. I know on another thread T212 were hoping to having something in place (certainly by the end of the year), however is there an update that can be provided. Thank you
Hi Team @trading212 -Any update on this -Apricated your answer here -As we are near to demerge period now .
They will probably just give you cash. I highly doubt they will issue you shares. Maybe if it was bigger company/ more people in 212 was holding . That’s what I have seen in recent history from them… remember this is a free service.
They are introducing the feature to provide them in the near future it’s just wether itl be ready in time for this event. T212 hold the shares for us so they will be issued the shares. What they do with them is their call. Freetrade another free provider is honouring the shares.
Here’s FreeTrade’s message regarding the TILS demerger
Hi there
Accustem Sciences is expected to apply for admission to the LSE (London Stock Exchange) later in the final quarter of 2020. The company has stated that the new Accustem Sciences shares will not be issued until the listing is admitted to the LSE, or two months after the effective date, whichever is sooner. This means that whilst the spin off is effective on the 2nd November, the new shares will not be distributed until some time after.
Following approval, we plan to allocate the Accustem Sciences shares to entitled Tiziana holders once we have received the new shares later this year. Whilst we plan to allocate the new shares based on the information currently available, once more information is released regarding the new shares and the application for listing on the LSE, further due diligence will be conducted to determine whether Freetrade can support Accustem Sciences shares and issue to customer portfolios. An in-app notification will be sent to eligible holders closer to the time with more information.
Hi, can someone explain to me why the spread between the buy and sell price fluctuates?
For CFD:
Do we have any update on this issue? All deadlines have now passed at which point I held shares in Tiziana Life Sciences.
Am I now in a position to sell those shares and still obtain the shares in the Accustem spin off?
I ask as, unlike other stockbrokers, Trading212 have not created an Accustme holding in my account whilst we await the share price and listing.
@David as above please any info would be a great help
Hello Team ,Any update on this ?
I have been advised by Trading212 that we will only re eive the cash equivalent when the shares debut on the market. They will be sold immediately.
More worrying I was advised that eligibility for the cash is that you hold TILS on the day Accustem hit the market.
I have asked for this to be checked as TILS state that eligibility a share holding on 31st Oct.
this sounds dreadful - trading 212 can you confirm and why are you shafting your customers?
An email response from Trading212 but still no clarification on whether TILS can be sold now and you still have eligibility for Accustem.
"Thank you for your email!
I reviewed the case and would like to provide the details that we have so far regarding the upcoming corporate event.
We will be allocating the cash equivalent of Accustem Sciences as soon as the stock becomes tradable. This will happen in December, however, the exact date is yet to be disclosed.
An in-app notification will be distributed as soon as the corporate event is completed and you will receive a better understanding of how to proceed with your position with Tiziana Life Sciences.
For the moment, we would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Please rest assured that the will contact you as soon as we receive the needed updates.
Best regards,"
So I had numerous email conversations without getting clarity so I asked the question a different way…
I dont think I am getting across my question well enough to get a clear answer. So I will try and ask it a different way.
If I sell my holding in Tiziana Life Sciences tomorrow, will I still get the money due to me when you sell the Accustem shares the day they go to market.?
and the answer…
I would like to point out that the Spin-off date would be the 4th of December, therefore, in order for you to participate and receive the cash-equivalent for the new shares, you would have to hold your shares with Tiziana on the 4th of December.
Has the cash-equivalent been paid out yet, as I have not received any nofitication? TIA
No, that won’t happen until Accustem shares are listed on the main market.
hi can 212 confirm that we dont need to still have our tils shares to get the accustem shares/payout as long as we held them in the qualifying period - ie am i ok to sell them now? thanks