Transferring ISA from Freetrade to Trading 212

Hi, I got freetrade about two months ago and opened an ISA account with it. I bought two stocks and sold them after finding out about Trading 212. I currently have no holdings and no funds in my freetrade account. Just wondering do I still have to transfer my freetrade ISA account to Trading 212 or would it be best to close it?

For ISA Transfer forms or general ISA queries - email Trading212 ISA department at:

I withdrew my funds from Freetrade and deposited them into Trading 212 (I had only deposited ÂŁ64 initially). Can I go ahead and close my Freetrade ISA account as I have no plans of contributing to it in future?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

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This isn’t possible. You can’t deposit into 2 ISAs within one tax year. You HAVE to transfer the balance over into the new ISA formally with Trading 212, not simply withdraw and deposit into a different ISA

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Cavanhagan is correct - I do apologise. This can be remedied though, but best speak with the isa team.

Would this be too late if I’ve already close my FreeTrade account? Would there be a way to remedy it?

Yes, there is. It’s been done before, but I would feel best if you contact the T212 staff and just highlight that you were told incorrectly by accident by myself. I’m sorry.

It’s not the end of the world by a long shot - things like this happen a lot. HMRC just needs to know of the change I believe.

Cool no worries. how do I contact the T212 ISA team? - here is their email.

Hello Guys, i done my T212 Isa Form today to transfer my ISA account which i have at the moment with Freetrade i request to transfer all to my T212 , i sold my stocks and etf’s and now i only have cash … as i said i did the form and i did sent to the trading 212 i think is all done from my side now is with them my question is, is anyone know roughly how long it takes to the funds arrive on my T212 ISA ? Is anyone here done before ? Thanks in advantage

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Think mine took about 7 -10 working days. Same swap as you.

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Interesting, because I read somewhere it could take up to 30 days. 7-10 would be fantastic if that really did happen.

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That’s the ISA transfer guidelines, on the UK GOV website.

Way too slow a target in this day and age!

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Couldn’t agree more! I find it hard to understand how it can be more than a few hours in the days of electronic transfer. My transfer last year from Halifax to FreeTrade last year was absolutely appalling - took about 10 weeks in all with stories of Halifax still using cheques and them being sent to the wrong address, etc. I did get about £200 compensation to be fair but the whole financial sector is still completely stuck in at least the 1980s!


Might get some extra people coming over now :eyes:


Competition is a good thing but I never got their fee model.

That said you have access to more markets on the LSE with FT than 212, and can get market maker quotes so potentially better for less liquid stocks.


Yes, They will be. I am considering moving. I always thought T212 had a better product that FT, but stucked with them as I was an investor. But since they are selling the business I am not going to support them anymore

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Welcome, I switched from Freetrade to T212 two years ago I think and the contrast between the statis of unfulfilled requests and sh*te customer service at Freetrade and the dynamism shown by T212 couldn’t be greater.


See that’s the thing, I am sadly an investor in Chip, but no longer believed in the direction they were taking so left. I wanted them to succeed only with interested customers, thinking if enough investors left, they would see sense, instead of raising more funds to keep going!