Unable to add ANY stock to pie?


I’ve found for certain stocks I’m unable to add them to a pie, for example SRC? Does anybody experienced this?

You can only add shares that have “fractional” shares enabled into pies, and as far as i can see SRC is not fractional

Ah that explains it. I hope it comes soon, otherwise I’ll keep forgetting to add funds to it :joy::see_no_evil:

I can’t find where it is now, but I think they were trying to make all shares on platform fractional by the end of the year.

I might be wrong don’t quote me on it :slight_smile:

Not fractional. Every share in a pie must be fractional. You can in setting have a F in the left hand corner of every factional share if you want to see what is an isn’t fractional.

The aim was everything available to be fractional by the end of this month. The end of the year target was for 10,000 stocks I believe.

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