Useful UK stocks Heatmap

This took me a while to discover.

A nice thing is that if you hover over the name square, it shows a thumbnail of the chart.

So if the rise is 10%, you can see if you already missed it or if it’s ongoing.


There is more -
apart from ordering by % change, you can get it to use live streaming valuations, in Preferences. NOT delayed 15 minutes.

It gets a bit stuck and takes a couple of goes and a moment to start, but it should be flashing constantly as the prices change.
Hover the mouse for a day chart thumbnail which shows which are on the rise now rather than at open:

Extremely useful


(Dunno why “joyce”… she was someone I was teaching electronics ?!!:face_with_hand_over_mouth: )


Looks very useful, thank you.

It seems it misses a few - Easyjet isn’t thery though it’s +2.75%.
Still useful, the prices really are live.
It’s slightly misbehaved, you have to refresh (GO) for it to reorder the squares.
And re-remind it to use live prices sometimes.

I have an HL account, I don’t know if that makes any difference.

If you don’t Refresh (the positions of the squares) the colour will stil change. Therefore you can tell at a glance which has done better, or worse, than it was when you refreshed.
Here BT.A must have gone down because it’s paler - a short opportunity?
And SKG and FRES are pinker, so have gone down.

EDV and CNA are looking happier, though - and partway through the day it’s certainly not due to any market-opening effect.

I’m putting this here because it’s UK relevant still, is the LSE (LondonSouth East) site.
The have a gem or two I’d taken a while to realise were there.

Their Stock Picker, delayed I think by 15 minutes (update it) DOES include those leveraged etfs, which others don’t, and they also gove you a spread for them ( click on the symbol.)

I wouldn’t have found EISB which is 42% up today and still rising, either.

What I did do first thing, when things where quiet, was scan through the French and German markets - finding a French Casino [CO] which was steadily rising through a 6% rise, merci.

And a commodities chart, live/delayed Commodities - Live Quote Price Trading Data
Also (reorderable by % chnge) Stock Screener - UK