VanEck Vectors Semiconductor UCITS ETF request

Please could you add VanEck Vectors Semiconductor UCITS ETF, ticker SMGB on LSX and also trades on Deutsche Borse as VVSM. This is the European equivalent of the much sought after US ETF SMH and is currently the only true semiconductor ETF which holds the companies in this market which is available in Europe.

Thank you.


Second this motion! Fractional too please.

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Share! I am also interested in this ETF (in dollars or Euro). Fractional would be perfect

I’ve requested this etf mutiple times but it still isn’t on the platform? Anyone know why? It is also in Europe right?

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it is frustrating. Its not on HL either.
The ETF is fully compliant, just not sure why it isn’t getting added? Could you shed any light? @David Thanks in advance.

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Can someone explain why its not added. In the ETF/Stock request page multiple stocks were added yesterday, also on request of users.

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We keep trying! lol :slight_smile: One day hopefully

It’s such an awesome ETF, very good companies, good future prospects, good returns for something so young. I need it! :slight_smile:

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Come on @Tony.V make us happy! :slight_smile:

This should be live today!