Was Softbank the reason for such a fast run up in stocks?

So it would seem softbank which I’m sure a lot of you guys are aware of who they are,have over the pass 4 to 5 months been buying up to 4 billion dollars worth of call options in companies such as Tesla,roku,Nvidia and alot of other huge tech names which saw all-time highs the last few months.

The word is softbank have recently sold their call options making billions of dollars in profit and by doing so caused the major correction which we saw in the past few weeks.

Buy softbank putting up to 4 billion of call options into the stock market on companies like Tesla that would explain the huge run up successively by all companies at the same time, but now Softbank are pulling their call options we think we are in what looks like a correction…


The chances are Elon Musk must have known about this same with Apple hence to split and the major pullback…

Profits profits profits