Who got shafted with beyond meat?

It’s down to 109 now.

RIP to anybody holding Beyond Meat.

I saw a guy on Reddit said he had his life savings in it! True or not, who knows.

Oh wow look at that long legged doji for the day. It’s like shit what do we do next.

I got done man.
Burnt my veggie burger to a crisp

This should be in a gallery

So why the drop, was the meat real or something? :joy:

That’s quite a drop AH.

Yup, I’m a victim too :grimacing:… anyone know what caused it?

I’m assuming people buying the rumour towards earnings and selling before news.

190 dollars was way over bought compared to its 200 EMA The 107 seems an overreaction and panic.

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Rubbish earnings. Apparently they were off by miles - 25% I read online.

Also McDonalds are bringing out their own version of a meatless burger.

Normally I’d buy the dip, but I reckon they’ll drop further.

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132 expected

Oh wow… one of the those hype stocks that I’d bought and forgot about - still a net positive gain overall, so I guess I can’t complain…

Always an opportunity to buy at a discounted price!

I’m just not sure about the future of the company myself. I haven’t heard good things about the flavour of their products.

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It’s one of those “mega” growth stocks.

800+ times earnings for 2.7% YOY quarterly revenue growth?

Their results don’t look that bad in comparison really, and the SP is back to where it was at the start of the year.

In the 9 months year on year, their retail sales have doubled, and the foodservice has dropped 17% for the same period. In reality, their revenue is up 50%, so the current SP post drop to me on a straight line basis is reasonable in comparison to last year.

Their retail should continue to grow globally, and the Foodservice, well difficult to say but I have seen lots of places locally starting to sell them so that could return.

I’m not an investor, and imo the stock has previously been overpriced on sentiment, so this looks like a correction and good time to get into the stock.


I’m not in it either 110 seems a cracking entry tbh. Those that got in at 50 got a decent deal.

Please sell off… I’m loving to lower my average even more :heart: