Why people couldn't buy GME and AMC on Thursday

@AlexK can you please remove the sell limit on GME, GS2C, AMC, etc?

It is currently capped at approximately $2,800 per share on GME and €1,800 on GS2C.

From this thread:

We have increased substantially the limits for the maximum distances associated with the pending orders of AMC and GME, and they are way higher than the current market price. No additional increases in the distances (of these two securities) will be made unless market logic implies such action (e.g., a drastic jump in the price).

It seems like a market jump is inevitable and without being able to set a sell limit above $2,800 with GME for example, we are going to be leaving potentially thousands of dollars per share on the table.

The market is moving fast and if or when those shorts are margin called, we need to have sell limits already set and not risk selling at market price or being unable to login to T212.