Add Trailing Stop Loss To Invest

Trailing stop loss is definitely a great feature that I have in my main brokerage platform. It would be great to have this feature here as well as I love the availability of stocks in trading212. It is one of the key features holding me from moving to trading212 completely.

Especially with the feature already implemented in CFD, it is really a bummer that it is held back for some reason in the Invest account.


Hello T212? Anyone listening? When will this be added?

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This would make managing my isa account so much easier. I’m up for it. Any update devs??

@Wit Is it possible to give an update? :pray:


Like everyone else has said having this would stop having to constantly manage our portfolios. Seems like a pretty basic feature most brokers have. This and pre-market/after hours are the main features I feel would transform this software.

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As per all the comments, Can you please add the trailing stop loss function to Invest accounts?

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As per all the comments, Can you please add the trailing stop loss function to Invest accounts?
Kindly Give the people what they want as this is probably the most important part

I would love to have it.

I don’t think you’d be able to have this feature on a stocks and shares ISA.

My thinking is every time you sell and reinvest you eat into your annual ISA allowance so for some you’d quickly use it all up by the volume of transactions.

I’d imagine that is why 212 isn’t doing it for that account option

Isn’t ISA about how much you paid in cash into the ISA, rather than what you decide to do with the money inside the ISA?


Any update please ? This feature should be a priority its a basic feature your competition has, come 212 sort it out


Hi team,

When will the Invest and ISA account have a Trailing Stop?

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You’re limited to the amount of money you put in each year, currently £20,000 up until 5th April. The amount of money you make by trading inside this ISA (tax-free wrapper) is LIMITLESS!
You WILL NOT be charged tax on withdrawls.

Hi David

Its been over a year since you said it was in the plans, but Trading 212 had more important things that needed to be done.

Can we have an update, please? A lot of Trading 212 customers are crying out for this feature and it seems that they are just getting palmed off with the same lame excuses.


I second this, a trailing stop loss will help me and other investors protect their winnings!

Please add this feature!


Yes please add this feature.


Seconded, is there a roadmap of some kind.


please add trailing stop loss on isa and investment accounts this is a feature i think every user could benefit from, should be made a priority, currently have to just stop losses manually daily / weekly or run without a stop loss seems ridiculous in this day and age, i see this is available on cfd’s so surely should be able to carry it over.


Still no update on this? I so want a trailing stop feature on my investing account. Please listen to your customers and add this or at least let us know what’s the current situation with the addition of this feature.


+1 would like to see this feature if it not illegal.