Any chance of MFA support?

Passwords death has long been predicted as they simple don’t work. Multi factor authentication is the new standard.

Here some links on the subject:

If I understand correctly from this example, your point is that even if someone manages to get access into your account, they can’t take your money out, right? Well, what if the attackers sell your positions and spend your money in bad CFD or future trades? You could end up losing the money and have to pay taxes for the closed positions (if there was any profit) ofc.

The reason I would like to have MFA is because I believe that no matter how careful I am, my credentials can be hacked, and in that case, I want an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorised access. Keep in mind that MFA doesn’t guarantee you won’t get hacked, it just means that there’s an extra layer of security that an attacker would have to break, therefore increasing the complexity and cost of the attack.