Hi! I’m new to investing and I’ll like to build a nice portfolio with growth stocks and dividends from ETFs. But after using this app for 2weeks now I got into some bad reviews about it. People claiming that they cannot withdraw money from their account and other saying that their positions were closed without their consent. So I’m asking, is there any big investor that been with this platform a long time to confirm me that I won’t get scammed in a long time investment? I don’t want to put my money here and one day open the app and realise I got scammed hard. Thank you!
Some people in here have invested hundreds of thousands . There are haters in every group or app.
Never experienced withdrawal issues myself, but usually when it does happen there’s a valid reason.l, or it’s on the bank’a end. Trading 212 are very good and will help you resolve any issue you have
I transferred my ISA over to Trading 212 in April. Tried them out for nearly a year 1st. I’ve not had 1 issue and I’ve made a lot of deposits and withdrawals. I’ve been super impressed and Trading 212 would not have invested the resources needed to build this super app platform with autoinvest and pies etc if they weren’t a serious long term home for people’s investments.
No issues here. I have transferred several thousand at once without a problem.
No problems with withdrawals neither.
I’ve also read alot of complaints, honestly they’re no different to ones you get on any other spreadbetting/ cfd platform. People in general have no idea how these financial instrument work, no idea how to manage their risk and no idea how their margin is calculated and fluctuates with the position.
They complain of normal stops not working when it gaps down past their stop and they get sold out at a worse price…!?
Most of the complaints on positions being closed are about CFDs which shouldn’t be an issue if you are a long term investor.
Downtime happens to all platforms from time to time though some eg the most recent were largely down to quantities of people trying to trade and affected lots of platforms not just t212.
Plus if you’re long term as you’re saying, downtime barely affects you. Every time the platform goes down I just go oh well, bet its a completely different feeing to short term traders
I have managed to withdraw all my funds without problems.
However, I must say the platform seems still very “young” in terms of the features it supports. Once you start making more transactions, you can easily lose track of your figures as the reporting is very limited.
I’d suggest that you try it and see whether it suits your needs. I realised I will have troubles filling my tax return with the data T212 provides so I left. But that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s just not suitable for investors from my country.
Hopefully they get that integrated for you in the future, I’m so glad we in the UK have an ISA and don’t have to do any tax reporting for it
Never had any issues withdrawing up to several thousand euro.
I never experienced an issue with CFDs closing when they shouldn’t either. 99% of my time is spent on the CFD side too.
One thing I will say about T212 is it is very rare too have any service where you can directly communicate with the staff on forums like this. Likewise, where there is a forum for sharing tips and advice which ultimately make you money. For example, had it not been for @AdrianUK posting about Livongo or Snowflake I would have never heard of these companies which gave me some of my biggest profits to date.
Haha, indeed - I had learned about ISA just on this forum, did a bit of research at gov.uk and realised how fossilized our (=Czech) tax system is.
Same in Ireland, the government here are trying to take every cent from us.
No issue with T212, i’ve withdrawn a decent sized amount and had no issue. Every withdrawal has gone through nicely.
I think your best off starting with what your comfortable with and allowing yourself to trust the group and app over time.
People are always complaining when they lose money but in my experience it is almost never down to the app!
If they shut your positions in cfd trading it will be to protect you as your account is leveraged.
If they hold your funds (no different to any online platform including the likes of PayPal etc) it will be to protect your funds and make sure its actually you thats getting them.
As long as you read the terms and conditions and don’t try to bend the rules t212 will be a great addition for you.
In my opinion t212 has been perfect for me and any time there has been an issue it has been a mistake I have made.
Your fca protected aswell as with most other uk broker accounts so as long as you trade effectively and profit im sure you will be as happy.
Don’t forget to ask the forum if you get stuck
Its also worth remembering that which a lot of people forget if your positions are dropping there won’t likely be any buyers so how can you sell, this confuses a lot of people as they think the system is trying to trick them which obviously isn’t the case.
Try going long and most if not all of your issues with trading/investing will dissappear.
So many people come here and other apps in search of todays amazon or tesla expecting to dive in and out of stocks 50 times a day without any experience and wake up tomorrow a millionaire it just doesn’t happen your better off buying a lottery ticket atleast you can wipe your eyes with it when you lose
I wouldn’t be complaining about your tax rates
Never had a problem with T212 only thing that they could improve is a telephone service other than that they are excellent.
This must be some misunderstanding.
First, I wasn’t complaining about my tax rates but about the complexity and ambiguity of the Czech tax system. Sometimes, even big consultancy firms such as KPMG become surprised by new interpretations of the law that our courts come up with. [1]
Second, my point was that T212 may be great for the UK ISA scheme but everyone should make sure they can get the information they need to do their taxes.
[1] https://danovky.cz/cs/prekvapive-rozhodnuti-nss-v-oblasti-zdanovani-prijmu-z-prodeje-cennych-papiru-fyzickymi-osobami (in Czech)
Sorry when you say things like the tax system here is outdated I thought you meant it needed reform for less tax to be paid my mistake.