Asset allocation update - now a Treemap

Your portfolio asset allocation widget just got better! It now displays your portfolio as a treemap, showing the size of each asset relative to your overall holdings and tracking daily price changes.

Each block represents an asset, with larger blocks indicating bigger holdings. The color coding makes it easy to spot price changes—green for gains and red for losses.

This update is already live on the web app, and the mobile app updates will be available in just a few hours.

Find the asset allocation widget at the bottom of your Portfolio screen.

When investing, your capital is at risk and you may get back less than invested. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results.


This is broken for me. It’s showing the wrong %s

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Same. This is a really cool feature, but the allocation calculations are completely wrong for some assets.

The treemap shows the daily price change of each asset and is not related to the result of your positions. The allocation of each asset compared to your overall portfolio is represented by the block size, with larger blocks indicating bigger holdings.


Good feature. All these incremental improvements, like MWRR and many more, add up to make a great app.

A couple of suggestions from me: add cash to the equation and give us a view across accounts.

I have cash and S&S Isas, plus a few stocks in a GIA, and with a Sipp on the horizon, it would be great to see my overall allocations all in one place.


I don’t see it, is there a reason?

Ah, so the size of the block represents the allocation and the percentage value represents the daily price change. This makes sense.

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why can we not see a sub treemap for the smaller assets, when we clicking on the “…”-button?

Hi @Shorty68DE,

We are considering adding more depth to the Treemap and will certainly do it if we continue to observe increased interest and usage of this feature.


This is great work!! Above all, I am pleased to hear from you again, @George!!!


his new uglyview is really disappointing!!! Realy, Trading 212? The beautiful, classic pie chart view is gone, and now it resembles something from Windows 7. It should at least look like a pie chart. Check other forums to see how many people are also disappointed! I wish I could have the old, visually pleasing view back, like so many other users! This current layout is absolutely uncomfortable and chaotic. Who would make an “improvement” that is actually such a huge downgrade? First time I am so disapointed from Trading 212!


The tiling algorithm seems to be favouring allocation size a lot more than re-producible ordering. I have no idea which algorithm T212 is using or which one google spreadsheets use, but it looks a lot more human readable on google docs:

Also it’d be fantastic if you(we) could configure max/min/mid value for colour coding. In this paste sample below, DLR gained 9.62% which should be bright green, but there is no reason for TSM to be pale/gray on this same day gaining only 2.78%. On google docs I achieve this by manually setting max=3, min=-3 mid=0


This is great, definitely a step up on the previous visualisation. Would love to see more time analysis such as price change over the week, month, or moving averages.

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Just came here to say that I love the view. Instead of the pie just showing the allocation you can have the daily performance at a glance.


I hope to see the addition of frequencies, instead of being stuck at 1D. Adding a toggle for 1D, 1W, 1M, 3M, 1Y like the charts would be great!

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Argh no, death to the pie chart!

I think the treemap is great, thank you!

I’ve been playing with something similar to try and help me better manage my portfolio and have found it really useful to group my stocks, so that I can see how well/poorly my portfolio is diversified.

I’d love to see a “group by” feature, and personally like seeing it by sector (which you already have in the data) andmarket cap (i.e. mega/large/mid/small. This is more complicated as definition changes by market, but as long as it’s clear what you use I don’t think you need to accommodate multiple).

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It would be good to get some details when hovering over an asset in the treemap. I have a few smaller ones that don’t show the logo or the ticker name, or only show the logo. It would be cool if hovering showed the logo/ticker/name, as well as p/l and value.

Show cash in asset allocation so we know what percentage we have in cash.

Should be easy to implement.