Bug Report: Average price

In ISA, go to a company you invested in, scroll down to average price.

My account is in GBP - my shares are in a US-based company (USD).

Change tabs from T212 to another, change back.

For a split second instead of showing:

$x (£y)

It shows:

$y (£y)

FYI average price line on chart jumps to reflect y price, and then back to x price.


I’ve noticed the position price line jumping on ISA too.
Only started since last update 7.61.0 it seems.

I think things botten worse now. I see £ value as stock value for $ stocks


Something is going up with the average price… I’m definitely up in this position but is showing a different return

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I am also getting £ and $showing as equal, meaning my charts show I should be in profit but reality (sadly) not the case in some of them.

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I have noticed this with mine this morning, @admins what’s going on? @Jmas @Sophi82

Hey, everyone :wave:

We identified what caused this and a fix is already live. The issue was only visual, and no positions have been impacted in any way. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused :pray: