Hello, in process of messing around with desktop app but having no luck+getting near end of trading day, so in interim, if anyone can help or ping this message to one of the T212 team (dunno how to do it), it’d be good.
So: can’t sell HSBC, message coming up “the maximum short amount is 0”- saw similar messages recently, but reply was “supposed to be fixed yesterday”/"try on desktop site "(am typing this on mobile).
Problem with my desktop site is it either can hardly make the connection with server or “progress” icon-the spinning circle-just keeps spinning when I want to change page (I’ve always had probs re t212 desktop eg when I have that and mobile app open same time, I usually get kicked back to the “insert password” page in both).
Even if desktop manifests, I’m going to be wary executing any actions on a system which appears, for me, to be insecure/have tenuous connection with server and I don’t want my “sell” command to become “stuck” with real-time price changing around it.
If the T212 team see this, could they advise when android issue be fixed (so I can sell via mob)+is there anyway they can resolve connection prob with my pc -which works great with every other app (may sound a bit odd, but saw conversations on this forum where clients’ desktop won’t connect to server, the T212 staff say “I’ll have a look” and a “resolved” tick appears to end convo). Any help, from any quarter, appreciated.