Cash ISA transfer to stocks and shares ISA

Hi everyone,

I recently opened a fixed rate 2yr ISA account with my bank provider and have invested the max allowance in it. After much research and thought, I decided that it’s better to invest that money in an ISA stocks and shares account.

I was under the impression that I need to transfer the money and buy stock before 6 April in order to avoid having next year’s allowance impacted, but my bank provider told me that that’s not the case. Even if I transfer the cash and use it to buy stock AFTER 6 April, it will count as “old money” and not impact this year’s allowance (but they did say that I’d need to confirm with Trading212).

I would prefer to do that because, if I transfer before 6 April, I’d lose some of the capital to exist charges (daily interest × 180 days). If I can wait for a couple more months, then I’d be able to exit with no loss (accrued daily interest would cover the exit charges. And although I’m eyeing a few stocks, the entry point is not the best just now, so I don’t think waiting can do much damage.)

Two questions in relation to the above:

  1. Could someone confirm that my bank provider was correct, and that if I transfer ISA cash AND buy stock after 6 April, that WON’T count toward next year’s allowance?

  2. If the above is not true, I must start now and processing the application extends after 5 April, will the transfer be considered from the date when I actually made the application?

I’m new to all this, so any help will be appreciated.

This is correct. Use the ISA transfer mechanism though.

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Hi I;ve just done a stocks isa transfer to 212 from HL, but had to sell my holding as it isa had funds.
The transfer is done and its all held now as a Cash ISA in 212. How do I buy stocks or ETF’s?
I dont see an option to transfer on 212 to go from cash isa to stocks isa?

Welcome to the Community, @dm6669 :wave:

You can transfer cash between your accounts by going to Menu > Manage funds > Move funds. We have an article that covers this step-by-step on this page. All internal cash transfers between your accounts are instant :raised_hands:

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