CH IBAN for CHF deposit


Would it please be possible to have a CH IBAN (instead of the GB one) to which we can deposit CHF so that we don’t have to pay transfer fees from our bank? Something similar as Revolut does where they use Credit Suisse. I think this feature would also be useful for other currencies and not only CHF.

Thank you very much in advance for considering this feature!

Hello, there :wave:

Currently, we support CHF deposits, and there should be a CHF Barclays account. I’ve just sent you a DM to assist you further. :ok_hand:

Where can i find the CH IBAN?
Thank you

You can find the CHF IBAN by going to the Deposit funds menu > bank transfer and then selecting CHF as the deposit currency.

If you’re having any difficulties finding it, just drop me a DM - I’ll be glad to assist you further :pray: