Dear teammembers of Trading212,
I was wondering if it’s possible to update the number of clients-, the amount in client assets- and the executed daily orders more frequently on the homepage of the Trading212 website. These (older) numbers stated there must be clearly underrepresenting the amount of clients currently, which potentially may also be used to convince people to open an account at Trading212 instead of for example DEGIRO. “Bigger is better and more reliable” in that sense. I really like the services and the platform that Trading212 offers compared to other discount brokers in The Netherlands, and in this way I think there is still some room to grow the client base and reputation of the platform (almost for free)!
Besides that, I was also wondering if Trading212 is currently working on some kind of affiliate program for Trading212 Invest specifically (for content creators). In The Netherlands, a lot of content creators push DEGIRO currently onto their followers because the affiliate commissions are much higher compared to the free share promotion that Trading212 currently runs. This therefore incentivises these influencers / affiliate marketeers / content creators to not promote the best platform available currently to their follower base (in my view Trading212 Invest). Looking objectively at the matter, Trading212 Invest is just cheaper (and subjectively as I already said I think they’re also better), which is therefore sad to see that a lot of people are still opening brokerage accounts at other brokers.
Looking forward to your reply!
Kind regards,
P.s.: I saw on your twitter account that account openings are not possible in Belgium (tweet of august 6th, 2021), is there any update on this? Is this already possible? Would love to know!