Unlimited Free Share Referrals for Content Creators

We are excited to see so much great educational content on investing with Trading 212 created by our users. Many of you use our referral program to support their efforts. We’ve decided to help the quality content creators by removing their referral limit for free shares.

In order to apply for a referral limit removal, please submit the form below.
*Please notice that your channel/webpage is a subject of approval by our communications team.


I can see this helping out a lot!
Great move T212 :+1: .

As many of us already have a channel and even I’m considering making one it certainly will be helpful :+1:

Thank you! Just applied

@Briscoe might wanna check this out :eyes:


@CavanHaganInvesting @m-getinvesting @pandabossanna

Might interest you guys :+1:


Aye just applied!
I hope this is beneficial to everyone!


cheers for the heads up Matt! Just done it now :smiley:

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Brilliant news!! Applied and got a free share so assuming it has gone through :slight_smile:


congrats to those who put in the work necessary to run a channel. hope this provides a solid foundation for growth :wink:

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is this only for uk users?

@keifersimpson it appears to be available for all users in the regions in which referrals are available.

from a glance at the form, there is no mention of just the UK being eligible.

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It is available to everyone who has access to the Referral program - all residents of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland and the Netherlands.


Hey @George,

Any idea on when you’re going to extend this to SEA? Have a nice base of investors here ready for a good brokerage account :slight_smile:

That’s cool although I feel it should be unlimited for everyone, after all T212 do benefit from new users regardless of where they come from.


Great to see! I submitted my details 2 days ago. Just wondering if we should be seeing some kind of confirmation or acknowledgement in emails?

I haven’t received anything yet

If you manage/own a big Discord server with the primary focus on investing with Trading 212, can you also apply?

I did wonder when your wording changed on your latest video :joy: great work mate :+1:

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Haha, yeah might as well take advantage!

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