Did you buy the dip? (buying the dip)

Buying the Dip

Watching the market today am sure you noticed many stock s that fell more than 10% in addition to the fall from last week Friday.

I Assume that we all can admit that we cannot predict the future and that we do not know whether current conditions represent:

  1. The beginning of a bear market
    2.The start of a very short-term crash
  2. A healthy correction to be followed by another rally to new market highs
  3. The start of a stagnant period in which the market will be very stagnant for most investors

For a typical, confident, long-term investor who does not try to predict what is coming next, and if you have cash being saved for a buying opportunity, then the appropriate strategy is to invest some of that money now if and when the market declines.

Look at it like this, each trading strategy aims to either buy something that is already going up in the expectation that it will continue going up, or buy something that is going down in the expectation that it will reverse because it’s gone down too much.

I leave you to make your decision weather to buy when the market dips.

Top losers

#Fuel Cell, Plug Power, Palantir Technologies Inc. EHang Holdings Limited etc.

Enjoy the read


FCEL PLUG are solid but were over bought

EH was because it’s a crappy business

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That’s funny as a certain Youtuber recommends Ehang as a potential Trillion Dollar Company. (Not invested myself)

I wonder if most of these Hype stocks are the same with bad fundamentals.

I could be wrong of course but I imagine it’s number 2. This bubble is caused by The Fed and as long as they keep propping up the market, it will continue to rise.

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These are just few of the top losers Yesterday off my head, you Can check The Full list @ yahoo finance. They are not recommended buy stocks but sure you can find good dips on that list.

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What about GGP dip yesterday? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyone bought that dip, :crossed_fingers:back to 30p all is forgiven

Touching the 200 EMA like a boss.

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Sure no one can predict a bubble such is inherent in the stock market. They idea is to ride it until it goes boom. It could be a month, a year, or many years ahead. They Question is how ready and hedged are you. A topic for another day.

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Look like is flying this morning, I like mining companies but I was more focused yesterday on the US market. I guess I missed this one. Looks interesting though. Did you u get in?

Holding 6,500 shares at 23p so not an ideal position. The spread is wide on it 0.5-1.5p so even at 24p I’m in red. Its flip a coin if its going back to up or another support test again. So much unnecessary panic on the GGP telegram group :rofl: I’ve followed it since 6p so I know the stock well (had 50,000 at 7p :man_facepalming:).

I love mining companies but its all been on pause whilst all the crazy US stocks, SPAC madness, silver squeeze/gold / crypto over the past month. It feels like WSB/Reddit have buggered up the natural flow of the markets.

It feels like nobody wants to hold even for a year to get a solid return, and everyone wants the quick win. Chuck it in and fingers crossed.

I mean I was watching SCKT do 1000% gain yesterday in one day, where you usually need a decade or two to achieve that naturally.


It unbelievable, but this has been going ever since, it just that it’s more wide spread now. Some are pump, some are pump and dump and some is hype, hard to know which is which.

Is it just me, what dip? :thinking:

Most of my “trash” was in green yday, steady as she goes. :slight_smile:

Heck non on my watchlist dipped. :frowning:


You’re not the only one, ‘What dip?’ was my first thought too.


The Qs all took a big dip at some point, I noticed because all my price alerts started pinging at once

I had a stern word with GGP (telepathically course) Told it to pull up it’s socks and please be kind.

My love for gold in the ground is as strong as ever!

*edit 50,000 @ 7p :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

It looks like it was almost isolated to “ideas”companies rather than companies with revenues.

But luckily QS had a breakthrough last night so they’re back on target to have revenue in 5 years time :roll_eyes:

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You don’t need to predict a bubble! It’s very clear we are in a bubble.

The problem is predicted when the bubble when end!

Quite right! If I get anything new and shiny in my portfolio it’ll be a company with a strong dividend history as post bubble these tend to be the stronger performers.

We may have a while left thanks to the Fed though.

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Still under-performance broadly

The broader market was probably due a bad day as the S&P500 has had several record highs this year already.

Tomorrow will be interesting to see


Watch this space as the fed step in an prop everything back up to last weeks levels!

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