Display Overall Returns rather than current returns

Currently the portfolio chart show the returns for what you have currently invested, and completely ignores and removes it from the returns once you have sold, even though you have still made those returns, they should not be lost.

I know you are able to see P/L in the history tab but it would be nice to add preferences to the main portfolio chart that isn’t just showing what you have currently invested.


Yes for example by showing a second line with your account value.

Overall that is the line that you should watch and should grow over time as it includes your portfolio and cash


Is anything being done for this? I know this would be a high impact change and not too much effort to implement compared to other features.


Agreed, this would seemingly be an easy improvement to implement. A time weighed return and other metrics like YTD performance would be very handy.

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Hello, everyone :wave:

Thank you for sharing your feedback. We see how this could be helpful and will pass it along to the team.

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You have ruined the experiance by adding this to app .


Can this be reversed or at least a toggle? It’s not an improvement


I completely agree - I need to see the return on my current investments (ie the figure we used to see)

I’m sure we all know casino tactics - getting people to lose sight of their current profits and losses so that they pump more money in.

If this format stays, then at least add the current return below the total investment figure.


I can’t lie, I prefer overall returns…

Selling stocks and seeing your returns go to 0 just seems wrong.

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Your returns then exist as cash.

The thing is, T212 is trying to present two different bits of information as one and are failing.

Fact 1: what is the loss or gain of my current investments (this is subject to change with the market).

Fact 2: what is my historical loss or gain looking backwards over time T, which includes fact 1. The majority of Fact 2 is based upon historical data.

Fact 1 is live data.
Fact 2 is a report.

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Everyone has a different strategy therefore I think a choice option. Is important. That you can choose between total or open.