Dividend vidiprinter

Enquired about dividend distribution many times now. There is a black hole (gap) between pay out date and cash receipt. I am wondering if T212 and the wider user community could benefit from a published vidiprinter of dividend movements to fend off ad hoc enquiries and allow tracking.


Iā€™d love to see that in the spirit of clarity and honestly.

YETā€¦my spidey -sense tell me this is a trade secret and no one wants to disclose how (in)efficient the back office processes are.

In theory all dividends can be pre-reconciled after ex, before pay. Therefore brokers should be proactive, not reactive, to dividend events.

My time in the industry suggest this upotia isnā€™t always reality and disclosing this (in)efficiency would be bad for PRā€¦ unless ALL brokers were forced too via regulationā€¦that would be cool

But for now, I fear, sadly not. I like the idea though.

Alternative : I could make a live diary of dividend events and you guys could tick off when receivedā€¦ so a kinda psuedo-T212-dividend-tracker-efficiency-thingyā€¦ Just a thought


Echo that.

Transparent information will help. Having a traffic light system at event stages is sufficient.

Me personally, if I can see companies have paid T212 on time /or late assures me all in hand, and distribution is inevitable. In that knowledge can remain patient (not chase until is unreasonable late)

It is the not knowing position that most troubling , not so much potential of (in)efficiencies which is tolerable where you can use published tracker.

I do not therefore think any broker should be apprehensive provided good visibility is available.

Trading 212 have actually been totally transparent about their dividend process. When they recieve it from IBKR, itā€™s passed onto us. Iā€™m really not sure what more there is to add regarding T212.

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:-1: @nickspacemonkey

guidelines are too loose and a tracker would assist us ā€˜the communityā€™ in adjusting planned investments in line with real time events.

I understand what you want. Itā€™s just how do you expect them to give you an exact date of when the dividend is paid to T212. And as far as Iā€™m aware, the dividend isnā€™t held by T212 for any significant period.

So your tracker would look like:
[:heavy_check_mark:] Dividend date
3-4 days wait
[:heavy_check_mark: ] Dividend paid to T212.
10-15 mins later (guessing)
[:heavy_check_mark:] Dividend paid to clients.

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This is absolutely NOT what people directly asked for, but Iā€™ve had a few hours of hacking and made this for T212 dividend eventsā€¦ just for referenceā€¦


Change the ā€œdā€ variable for different dates (yyyy-mm-dd format please)

If you want to see Mondays dividends due from stocks listed on T212 thenā€¦

or next Tuesdays

You get the point

If you want to see what is going ex-Dividendā€¦ change the ā€œfā€ variableā€¦


Literally hacked it using the FinKi API and hacking graphics out of the T212 exposed API ā€¦ hope they donā€™t mind !!!

Any wayā€¦ might help people track dividends a little easierā€¦ or not, your choiceā€¦ but it was fun to make whilst drinking coffee and recovering from a hangover



Ooooā€¦ quite a few Vanguard and PIMCO ETFs went ex-div yesterdayā€¦
