In fact @David here I document KEFI zero spread back in October with you in the thread.
@Martin @Tony.V @PeterA @Wit @Ivan @George @Rumen
All of these have been well documented and theres about 25+ tickets relating to this. After you take a look @David you can hopefully feel my pain when I spend hours reporting it and I get back an email saying its “trading on AIM”, “low liquidity”, “prices are indicative” and a lot of the time completely irrelevant content such as trying to teach me about what the spread is.
I have experienced so many factually wrong support emails and answers in chat that its a bit concerning.
Take the most recent from 398664
Furthermore, please take into account that the sell price is not visible on the Invest account.
From 426914
When it comes to the spread, however, that will not be applicable in your GIA/ISA. A spread in trading is the difference between the buy (offer) and sell (bid) prices quoted for an asset. The spread is a key part of CFD trading , as it is how both derivatives are priced.
And imagine you’ve just spent an hour reporting and discussing on chat and then get this response #356330 :
Thank you for reaching out!
AIM (Alternative Investment Market) is a sub-market of the LSE (London Stock Exchange), which was launched on the 19th of June 1995. It is a replacement to the previous USM (Unlisted Securities Market) that was in operation since 1980.
The AIM allows smaller companies with low liquidity and demand/supply to be traded at a specific time of the day with a more flexible regulatory system than is applicable to the main market. This means that orders with instruments that are part of the AIM will be executed differently than the ones part of the main LSE market. Due to the low liquidity, it’s possible that orders might not execute at the auctions for days or even weeks, which may also lead to no price quotes.
The FTSE Group maintains three indices for measuring the AIM, which are the FTSE AIM UK 50 Index, FTSE AIM 100 Index, and FTSE AIM All-Share Index.
Please do not hesitate to reach us should any further questions arise.
ThAnKs fOr tHat.
I’m really not trying to be a dick with being so persistent, I just want T212 to report the issue to Bloomberg so I don’t have the same issue in 2021 missing spikes and drops because the alerts haven’t gone off because its still showing the ask/bid from the previous month.