Could you please consider adding iShares Core DAX ( EXS1 ) as fractional ?
I suppose what’s just as important as getting the fractionals, is getting the ability to set limit buys with them as well as fractionals are currently restricted to market value.
Could u please add ishares J.P. Morgan Bond (SEMB) fractional
@Dao That’s coming soon.
Is there a chance Mondelez could be available as a fractional?
50 more!
- 3M
- Abbott Laboratories
- AbbVie
- Accenture
- Altria
- American Express
- American Tower
- Anglo American
- Anthem
- Aurora Cannabis
- BlackRock
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Caterpillar
- CenturyLink
- Chubb
- Cigna
- Citigroup
- CVS Health
- Danaher
- Deutsche Telekom
- Duke Energy
- Eli Lilly & Co
- Enbridge
- Estee Lauder
- Fidelity National Info Services
- Goldman Sachs
- Highland Gold Mining
- Honeywell
- Lithium Americas
- Lockheed Martin
- McDonald’s
- Medtronic
- Morgan Stanley
- NextEra Energy
- NMC Health
- Philip Morris
- PNC Financial Services
- Qudian
- Roku
- Sony
- Stryker
- Thermo Fisher
- TJX Companies
- U.S. Bancorp
- Union Pacific
- United Parcel Services
- United Technologies
- VMware
- Zoom Video
Will it be possible to eventually put in the amount of money we want to invest, such as £12.37, rather than the amount of shares? Will be shares ever have smaller divisions than 0.01?
it’s been requested before and they are looking into it, but they are fully booked for current developments so it’ll be awhile in the making.
Also, starting to think NYSE:OXY fractional may be in demand at the rate its price is rebounding from a successive string of losses xD
@David can you please add SEMB, I would greatly appreciate it as I’m sure others would. Been hoping it would be added each time there has been an update
@growingdividends It’s available as fractional shares now.
Thanks @David would love to see psec or agnc go fractional too
Can IWDA be fractional, like SWDA is?
Hi again @David
Would you be able to add Games Workshop GAW as a fractional share please?
@growingdividends, @catraizen - PSEC, AGNC & IWDA are available as fractional shares now.
@Antidev - When fulfilling a request, we’re also looking at the internal demand for the security. That’s why some stocks get fractional shares faster than others. Unfortunately, we’ll be leaving GAW for a later point in time.
No problem @David Thanks anyway
@David Any chance with VWRA fractional shares? Thank you very much
@CryAngel It’s available as fractional shares now.
Awesome Thank you kindly!
@David Maybe overlooked, 4GLD , Xetra-Gold, possible to have fractional? There is a little nipper that wants gold when he is grown