GNUS Genius Brands

GNUS to the MOON



You getting out at long last?

Not only got out, got out with about a grand profit.

You better believe I was cheerleading this on Stocktwits and cross tagging to get it picked up by the GME / AMC crew. Couldn’t quite believe it when it started moving.

It was diamond hands as people were initially bailing on GNUS left and right on open, it could have gone back to 1 and been a different story!

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Yeah they’re all having their day at the minute - NAKD yesterday went about 200%. Silly stuff going on right now.

Silly, exciting stuff.

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I was watching it from 0.35 but stupidly didn’t jump in :man_facepalming:

Anyway I have few grand of spare funds now to play with, and no longer bag holding which feels ace.

I just need KEFI to pull it’s weight now.

Same but not quite as early as you. Happened to look bang on the moment it broke $1 and almost pulled the the trigger but stopped myself as had just taken profits from AMC and didn’t want to immediately put that at risk.

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I’m trying to work out if Silver will actually be pumped today atm


No idea, precious metals is alien to me. NAKD offering though. Expect another run.

I’ve just seen a tweet mentioning the potential for WSB to to target silver;

Although having read the original GME ‘manifesto’ this weekend, I’m not sure its feasibility.

GME seems to have been called out originally by someone who knows what they’re doing. The above and others I’ve noticed, seems to be your bog-standard stonkers who think it can be done to anything now; not just those instruments with unhealthy short interest.


Yeah a saw it build the other week, they pumped AG a bit and the price did rise a small amount.

All those candles ain’t natural :rofl:

I gave the idea to my brother and he bought into the iShares ETC the other week. And I completely forgot.

He did this

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