GraniteShares 3x Short Rolls-Royce crash

I’m with you and I don’t think Graniteshares shall just adjust their pricing randomly. I’ve done another search and digging on any of their published documents, there’s no disclosure of the term of Intra-day Stock Lost Protection.

Please let me know if you will receive anything in writing and we can all take it from there. p.s. I’ve made a massive lost too so it’s a lesson to learn about their products.

p.s. I kinda of guessed what they meant intraday stock lost protection… I can only imagine that during the day in the early morning around 11am when RR price reached 100p from 76p this would mean 3SRRL would be calculated as about close to 100% lost, and at that point the 3SRRL shall have a reset in the morning (around 11am). However they didn’t, instead they only managed to realise this at around 15:30 while the stock price was not really moving that much. It might be due to their technical reasons they implemented the lost adjustment afterwards… but even saying this, we shouldn’t be liable for the massive adjustment if it’s caused by their system delay as it’s their product faults caused this glitch of change and potentially lured more innocent investors to still carry on buying their products at a much higher price between 11am-15:30.