Has anyone had success with their ISA transfer? If yes what are timelines are looking like?
I would like to know how to transfer some of my instruments from cfd to investment the ones I want to keep for long term
You can’t. Shares are completely different to CFDs
I’ve just started the process so I can tell you when it is completed
It depends on different external factors which are beyond our control , like when the transfer form is filled in and sent over, how fast the external ISA provider initiates the process from their side, when the funds are transferred between the banks and others.
On a side note - right now we are working on automating the process, making it as seamless as possible.
What does that actually involve? Does it still involve selling the shares and transferring as cash?
Correct - at the moment we support cash transfers only. However, we’re exploring alternatives which will allow share transfers as well.
The automation in question will ease the filling in and the submitting of the transfer form, along with other cool stuff.
Hi I transferred earlier this week. The whole thing was 2 weeks for me. I found the customer service very quick and responsive.
I’m expecting my shares to rocket when the cash is transferring. Just my luck I’ll end up with loads fewer shares than when I sold.
From which broker/bank did you transfer?
I really wouldnt worry too much. the market is currently crashing across the board due to coronavirus news XD
My ISA transfer completed today, right on time.
@Tony.V I have three accounts with Trading 212 - Invest, ISA and CFD. For the ISA account, are there any other steps I need to take besides just depositing funds in the account and making stock purchases for it to be deemed a Stocks & Shares ISA?
@cantuar No other further actions will be required from your end.
@Tony.V Thank you very much for your quick reply. I shall now proceed with my purchases.
I am a newcomer to Trading212. Last week I submitted a form to transfer funds from an existing cash ISA . Three days ago my existing provider advised the funds have been transferred. Nothing till date has been received into my trading 212 account.
I contacted trading212 twice yesterday on their chat line but got no response. Managed to get a response from the chat line this morning but apart from confirming the account details the bank used were correct and giving me an email address to contact he could offer no help. He also advised that trading 212 are no longer taking phone calls.
Very disappointing.
I had an stocks and shares ISA with Santander, it wasn’t making very much so I cancelled it.
I went through all the things I needed to do with my online account with the help from the Santander rep on the phone.
Then they sent me a form I had to sign to verify, I posted it back the same day, nothing was happening for about a week so I phoned them up.
Got a guy on and went through all the security checks etc then he said he would transfer the money back in to my account the next day.
I wasn’t transferred till late on in the day, I thought I was going to have to phone again.
What always annoys me with any money transactions, companies want and can take your money straight away but when you want it they take days to give it you back, can you imagine if you told them it will go in to their bank in 3-5 days, they wouldn’t accept that.
I’m currently in the process of a transfer. Trading 212 have been very helpful, rapid replies, and great customer service. They mentioned they can process the form as soon as it is received. I have trust they will do it.
Unfortunately, Vanguard have been a bit of a let-down. I sent the transfer request to them almost 4 weeks ago, and they’ve still not been able to forward this via email to Trading212. Vanguard are slow to reply, and not the best customer service out there. 6.7 trillion USD in assets under management too
I transferred from Vanguard November last year, it took 6 weeks - I had to prod the Vanguard customer service team about twice to get it moving, wasn’t impressed with that.
I recently transferred last month from Hargreaves & Lansdown.
Trading212 were great! - They updated me every step of the way, and followed up after the transfer had complete to make sure everything was okay.
Took around 6 weeks, not the fault of 212, HL was very slow with the transfer process, I had to contact them serval times to expedite the process and they weren’t aware I sent a transfer request. - I’m glad to be with 212 now!