HCMC - Temporary Issues resolved

@Y.M can you please help with some answers please. I see your moving chats in here and I think we deserve that much at least


So no answer from Trading 212 yet!? This is absolutely APPALLING. What kind of platform is this, seriously? Explain please


Are all stocks that have a chance of mooning going to be restricted? The silence makes you wonder whats going on behind the scenes with IB and this platform as without notice or some sort of explanation we are forced to sell only, how does the sell price raise if no one can buy?


It’s mental that 212 could alienate a massive amount of buyers, who of course are storing their money in 212 accounts (generating interest), and secondly when they sell - 212 will take their cut via the spread!

$HCMC isn’t like GME, it isn’t going to collapse the financial markets and loose shorters $1.3bn - please just let us trade!


Cant rebalance pies as we’ve no answers as to wether its actually going to execute our wishes or sell off and shaft our gains

Can you please explain why you’ve stopped us buying another stock please @Team212 @Rumen @Tony.V @David.

It’s not going down well across various forums. Lots of angry customers, so if you have an explanation, it might be best to let us know.



01/15/2021 102 3,300.00 2,147,483,647 1 No No
12/31/2020 3 0.00 2,147,483,647 1 No No
12/15/2020 3 0.00 2,147,483,647 1 No No
11/30/2020 3 0.00 11,630,378 1 No No
11/13/2020 3 0.00 973,558 1 No No
10/30/2020 3 0.00 8,855,661 1 No No
10/15/2020 3 0.00 4,045,535 1 No No
09/30/2020 3 0.00 5,651,183 1 No No
09/15/2020 3 0.00 10,051,598 1 No No
08/31/2020 3 0.00 26,516,040 1 No No

Level 2 Quote Montage: MMID - OTC Link Inside Quote | MMID - OTC Link Quote | cMMID - Closed Quote | U - Unpriced Quote | MMIDu - Unsolicited Quote. All trade/quote prices in USD.


Wonder has this anything to do with it?


Nope. This doesn’t happen.

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Who wants to bet that when they do get round to replying they just shift the blame onto someone else like they ALWAYS do. This platform has seriously gone down hill

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limiting to a sell option only would suit the IBs who are shortening the stock perfectly. Market manipulation at its finest. If this is going to be the way it is going forward whats the point?


can’t say that mate, support staff are just support staff, look at it as an Air Hostess, they dont make the decisions just carry out their orders/duties whilst trying to please the boss and the customers

I mean the company as a whole, 212 in general. They always seem to shift the blame onto something else when there’s issues

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There’s an 8k released yesterday - could it be something to do with that?

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wouldn’t that cease trading in both directions though? The short float above looks more of reasoning but coming from IB and not T212 personally. Obviously this is just my opinion and its not to be read as the absolute truth.

a bit of transparency would be amazing. I love nothing more than knowing exactly where I stand. if its a shitty situation at least you know about and can move on from it instead of wasting so much time, effort and money and get silence in return.

I love this place, has its moments but who doesn’t and what business doesn’t? Theres a saying here in Ireland “dont bite the hand that feeds you”. We as a collective of customers of this company are its lifeline. Be nice “the odd time” to get some answers

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Don’t reckon they’re trying to find out maybe? Are we absolutely sure, before we start finger-pointing, that this hasn’t fed down the API and they’re trying to find out why?

When did we stop giving them the benefit of the doubt?

I would assume as we have not had any response since this post was opened (some 4 hours ago) they have been told to close it by IB and have been met with silence themselves as to why it needed closing. But if this is the case, it would still be nice to be told this.


staff have been in the convo dropping people off from other threads asking about it. I know in my business I would first acknowledge them so they know they are being heard and then I would simple put a simple message, “let me try out whats going folks”.

You dont have to come back but it puts a lot of people at ease. Ive full support and appreciation for support staff so I hope im not coming across as a negative who just wants to moan

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I wouldn’t mind buys being restricted if they gave a solid reason for it.

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I’ve managed to buy 98k shares with pre order at exactly 14:30 UK time or as soon as the US market opened…Took slightly longer for GAXY :face_with_monocle: