HCMC - Temporary Issues resolved

Try reading the thread before posting, especially the first post.


Tried to put through a small sell order to test it, that doesn’t seem to be working properly either. Been pending for nearly an hour.

@Scrooge_McCodf , this is getting increasingly hilarious.
Jeez, they post an announcement explaining they are working to unblock trading ASAP for us, only to get “friendly” reminders “Unblock trading with HCMC now!”. Do we even deserve the effort T212 is putting?


It’s also funny that the small portion of users who want In believe they are the majority of the client base so they give ultimatums :roll_eyes:


You can’t make that statement mate. 32 billion traded yesterday, 12.5 billion so far today. Small number of people speak out as others won’t. It’s alright if your not trading something to make a statement but when your actively holding, buying and selling it’s your equity thats on the line not @Dao ’s


We can’t purchase yet mate and we’ve made our thoughts heard. Let’s not go down the route of criticising what’s actively being done to make people aware of the situation and respect their efforts. Staff are working from home with COVID restrictions etc so let’s keep that in mind

You realise you are commenting on the very post in which the team just stated they are doing what they can to resolve your issue? And you are still making sure your thoughts are heard, in this same thread?

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I’ve just managed to buy. Can somebody confirm that there’s still a limit of 500,000?

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Yeah it’s working

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My reply was in regards to your post

Well done 212 issue resolved :+1:

Nice I’m freeing up some cash

It’s stopped working again for me.

It’s not instant executions as OTC market

I mean it’s back to sell-only.

Were you able to buy more than 500,000 shares?

it would there is n one to buy it

I’ve close to 700k at present

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Just managed to buy. Been trying every few minutes for the past 30 minutes and eventually went through

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It’s an OTC market so can always expect a delay. Waited 2hrs on one earlier just cancelled it to make use of the funds instead of them sitting idle